Project Name: | Matching Contributions for Operational Expenses |
Cost: | Any amount |
Recurring?: | Open |
Description: | Donors are often reluctant to make non-earmarked contributions. Accordingly, it can be much easier to fund specific projects than to solicit resources to meet the day-to-day expenses of the organization, i.e., expenses which “keep the lights on,” and pay staff and our carefully managed overhead costs.
Funding this project is a means by which a donor can satisfy both needs at once. A donor may choose any of the other, very specific, projects that we have proposed for funding, and promise to match someone else’s contribution with a like contribution to Innisfree’s general operating expenses. So, for example, a donor could provide a matching promise to the project proposal for individual mediations. Only when Innisfree obtains a donor for an individual mediation (and we would use the availability of a matching contribution as additional incentive to solicit that contribution), the matching donor would be expected to provide an identical contribution, directed to Innisfree’s general operating account. |
Beneficiaries: | Innisfree |