Innisfree Foundation assists New Jersey families, especially but not limited to the families of children with disabilities, to advocate for their children’s education rights. Innisfree directly assists clients who meet its income criteria through its low bono and pro bono referral programs, and also works directly on behalf of the state’s entire special education population through participation in direct advocacy, amicus filings, impact litigation and test cases, and outreach via social media and provision of educational seminars.  Of particular importance to Innisfree’s mission, we seek to ensure transparency in New Jersey public school board operations by obtaining appropriately redacted public records through Open Public Records Act requests, litigating inappropriate denials of access when necessary, and sharing the records obtained with families of New Jersey children residing in the respective school districts.

In order to accomplish this work, Innisfree Foundation educates parents, develops resources for the benefit of its constituents, and develops and maintains a network of attorney and non-attorney advocate relationships. Innisfree is a non-profit corporation that commits its resources to projects that will directly or indirectly benefit its constituents, either by obtaining positive outcomes for them or seeking to improve the governing law. Innisfree may also occasionally fund experts, pay for specific services, or assist the parent(s) of children with disabilities in family court matters, as it deems appropriate to carrying out its mission successfully in a cost effective and sustainable manner.

Innisfree Foundation meets its expenses and ensures the sustainability of its efforts by stewarding its resources, fundraising, and accepting the donation of prevailing party fees by counsel who represent either Innisfree or clients referred to them by Innisfree, in cases brought under statutes providing such fees.



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